1. Wandinger, J., On the Zeros of the Fourier Transforms of some Functions of Finite Duration, 2022
  2. Wandinger, J., Ein einfacher Approximationsansatz für die Geschwindigkeitspolare eines Segelflugzeugs, 2011
  3. Wandinger, J. und M. Hermes, Interfacing MSC.Nastran with External Aerodynamic Codes - Status and Perspectives, in: Proceedings of the VPD Conference & MSC.Software User Meeting 2004, München 2004
  4. Hermes, M. und J. Wandinger, Analysis of Coupled Fluid-Structure Systems Using MSC.Nastran, in: Proceedings of the NAFEMS Seminar on Simulation of Complex Flows (CFD) - Applications and Trends, Wiesbaden 2004
  5. Hermes, M. und J. Wandinger, Coupling MSC.Nastran with External Aerodynamics for Static Aeroelastic Analysis
  6. Wandinger, J., MSC.Nastran DMAP and Toolkit Applications in Automotive Industry, in: Proceedings of the MSC.Nastran Solution Days, Nagoya/Osaka/Tokyo, 2002
  7. Wandinger, J., Acoustic Analysis using MSC.Nastran and MSC.AKUSMOD, in: Proceedings of the NAFEMS Seminar on Computational Acoustics, Wiesbaden 1999
  8. Wandinger, J., A symmetric Craig-Bampton method of coupled fluid-structure systems, Engineering Computations Volume 15, Number 4, 1998, S. 450-461
  9. Wandinger, J., A Symmetric Craig-Bampton Formulation for Coupled Fluid-Structure Systems, in: Proceedings of the Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Mechanical Testing, ESA-SP 386, Noordwijk 1996
  10. von Estorff, O., Wandinger, J., Tylkowski, B. und J. Villmann, Numerical Methods for the Acoustical Investigation of Railway Vehicles, in: Proceedings of the Word Congress on Railway Research (WCRR), Colorado Springs 1996
  11. von Estorff, O., Wandinger, J. und H. Horn, Numerische Berechnungsverfahren zur Untersuchung akustischer Fragestellungen bei Schienenfahrzeugen, Fachtagung "Systemdynamik der Eisenbahn", Hennigsdorf bei Berlin, 1994
  12. von Estorff, O. und J. Wandinger, Boundary Elemente für akustische Fragestellungen - was kann man erwarten? in: Tagungsband Finite Elemente in der Praxis, 12. Reutlinger Arbeitstagung (TSE GmbH), Reutlingen 1994
  13. Wandinger, J., Analysis of Small Vibrations of Coupled Fluid-Structure Systems, ZAMM 74 (1994) 1, S. 37-42
  14. Dascotte, E., von Estorff, O. und J. Wandinger, Validation and Updating of MSC/NASTRAN Finite Element Models Using Experimental Modal Data, in: Proceedings of the 20th MSC European Users' Conference, Paper No. 10, September 1993
  15. Cheng, W., Wandinger, J., von Estorff, O. und H. Antes, Acoustic Transmission through an Elastic Plate: Results of Different Approximations, in: Proceedings of the International Conference IABEM-93, Braunschweig 1993
  16. Wandinger, J., von Estorff, O. und H. Sander-Röttcher, Ermittlung der Schalldruckverteilung in einer Kopfhörerkapsel mittels Finiter Elemente, in: Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA 93, Teil A, S. 514-517
  17. Wandinger, J., Paralleliterationsverfahren zur Modalanalyse gekoppelter Fluid-Struktur-Systeme, Dissertation, Stuttgart 1991
  18. Wandinger, J., PERMAS-II: Subspace Iteration, INTES Publ. UM 408, Rev. C, Stuttgart 1990
  19. Wandinger, J., PERMAS-FS - Dynamic Analysis of Coupled Fluid-Structure Systems, Examples Manual, INTES Publ. UM 507, Rev. A, Stuttgart 1990
  20. Wandinger, J., PERMAS-FS - Dynamic Analysis of Coupled Fluid-Structure Systems, User Manual, INTES Publ. UM 407, Rev. A, Stuttgart 1989
  21. Wandinger, J., PERMAS-FS - Dynamic Analysis of Coupled Fluid-Structure Systems, Theory Manual, INTES Publ. UM 307, Rev. A, Stuttgart 1989
  22. Wandinger, J., Modal Analysis of Fluid-Structure Systems by Parallel Subspace Iteration, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Spacecraft Structures and Mechanical Testing, ESA-SP 289, Noordwijk 1988
  23. Wandinger, J., The Setup and Solution of the Linear Equilibrium Equations in Multilevelled Substructure Analysis, in: Proceedings of the International Finite Element Conference and 1. PERMAS User Meeting, Stuttgart 1987
  24. Schelkle, E. und J. Wandinger, Konstruieren mit nichtlinearer FE-Berechung, CAE-Journal 4/86